Summer was always my most favourite time of the year, but not for the usual reasons of sun and beach and that strange erotic mixture of sunscreen and sand grinding beneath the seams of swimwear. It was intoxicating in its power- a break, a chance to create a whole new persona. What's that Eliot line? "A time to create a face to meet the faces that you'll meet". I think thats how it goes.
I'd spend each summer finding the version of myself the world would have to deal with come September. Its not like it was ever very far off the mark to my casual, non-theatrical, everyday self, and it was definitely a shade of the true colour of my guts (I should say heart or soul here but I can't bring myself to type those words- I'm allergic to trite). It was exciting to pick clothes, and make-up, and hairstyles, and books, and even language to fit whichever Cherie I was going to introduce to the school that first week of September. I'd forgotten about that joy. I forgot about how fucking amazing it can be to go into the summer cocoon and bust out nearing Fall in all your goth/nerd chic/introspective/artistic glory.
I think its a practice I just might have to revive this summer. That being said, he's a rad new pair of tights I just ordered off my favourite (and dangerously addictive) shopping site,
(I LOVE Pippi Longstocking!!) These are from Carouselink's store. Check'em out.